Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Salt Springs Reservoir

The GPS got me lost.

The destination was Calaveras Big Trees State Park.

Garmin Nuvi took me off the highway.

A winding road led me through burning forest.

I think it was some kind of controlled burn.

The road got rough...

I descended into a ravine...

The GPS kept recalculating.


I crossed a single lane bridge.

I passed over a working flume.

Flumes direct water over and through the mountains to communities.

I came to a camping area. The road became dirt.

I passed over a fork of the Mokelumne River.

I arrived at the Salt Springs Reservoir.

Several dams dot the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

They capture melting snow-pack.

These dams regulate water flow to farms in the Central Valley.

A nice view of the Mokelumne Valley and PG&E hydroelectric plant.

I decided to back-track to Highway 88.

Salt Springs Reservoir was an unexpected but pleasant detour.

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