I continued south from Memorial Point
toSand Harbor .

Sand Harbor State Park has a long boardwalk with several interpretive plaques. This makes it easy to learn about the natural history ofLake Tahoe .
Lake Tahoe reflects the color of the sky. It's blueness depends on how clear or cloudy that day happens to be.

Sand Harbor State Park
is a small peninsula on the east
Hands-down, this is the best beach on the
[This was actually my second visit to Sand Harbor.
While driving the
I naively thought the
A ranger at Manzanar National Historic Site advised me otherwise.
I crossed the Sierras via Rt. 80, in a blizzard!]
Sand Harbor State Park has a long boardwalk with several interpretive plaques. This makes it easy to learn about the natural history of
Lake Tahoe reflects the color of the sky. It's blueness depends on how clear or cloudy that day happens to be.
And a broad beach, as well.
Large boulders tumble from the beach to the water.
Endless nooks and crannies beg exploration.
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