while using a laptop isn't
exactly mobile computing.
But it's the same basic idea...
Give us a device large enough to use at arms length.
Yet powerful and small enough to
be practical.
I was stoked to see Apple release the iPad. I'd been dreaming of a touch tablet for years.

Unfortunately, AT&T's shit network will make it unusable inside the gym.
Behold my 17" laptop.
Not exactly an iPhone (which btw, gets no signal in the gym).
I've been traveling for the past year.

A lot of different treadmills...

A lot of different gyms...

And hotels.
I even tried a netbook. Click HERE for Review

Balancing a laptop on a treadmill usually depends on the handlebars.

Unfortunately, the newer models are going for that sleek look.

Occasionally, I've been able to jury rig treadmills to hold my laptop.
I'd long had the idea for a more universal solution.
A sort of harness...
As for the internet, I use Verizon.
Their mobile broadband coverage is excellent.
Even inside gyms, sorry AT&T.
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